Visit the Spery Park Genealogy pages to learn more about all the people who are related to the families who lived on the land that is today’s Sperry Park. Contact us if you are related to this family and would like to be included.
The Sperry Park Genealogy will focus on the known descendants of the four generations who lived here (pictured above) — beginning in the late 1680s with the first of the Sperry clan to call this their home, the family of Nathaniel Sperry and Sarah Dickerman who lived here in the early 1700s, to the their great-grandson Enoch Sperry and his wife Mary Atlanta Sperry who were the last couple to raise their children here. Their son, U.S. Congressman Nehemiah Sperry, arranged for the park to be established on the Sperry Home Lot in 1907 shortly before his death.