NameEleanor Perkins
Birth7 Mar 1702, New Haven, CT
FatherJonathan Perkins (1653-)
MotherMary Elcock (1661-1718)
Birth19 Oct 1698, New Haven, CT
Death1743, New Haven, CT
FatherEns. Abraham DICKERMAN Sr. (1673-1758)
MotherElizabeth Glover (1676-1742)
ChildrenMary (1732->1784)
John (1727-~1822)
Notes for Eleanor Perkins
Page 216 of “Thomas Dickerman Genealogy”
Abraham* Dickerman= Eleanor Perkins.
120. Abraham' Dickerman, son of Abraham' and Elizabeth
(Glover) Dickerman (Abraham'^, Thomas'), b. Oct. 19, 1698, at New
Haven, d. there in 1743. m. Dec. 15, 1726, Eleanor' Perkins, dau.
of Jonathan" and Mary (EUcock) Perkins (Edward'), b. March 7,
1702, at New Haven. [Mary Ellcock was a daughter of Anthony
Abraham* Dickerman was an Ensign of the militia and probably
lived in the house afterward occupied by his son John. No will
or administration of his estate appears in the New Haven records.
I. JOHN^ b. Oct. 2, 1727. m. Esther Sperry. (125)
II. Abraham^ b. Jan. 13, 1729-30, d. Oct. 30, 1739.
III. Mary^ b. Nov. 30, 1732, at New Haven, m. NathanieP Sperry, son
of Nathaniel* and Sarah Wilmot Sperry. (See p. 185.)
1. NathanieP Sperry.
2. Deborah^ Sperry.
IV. AshbeP, b. June 17, 1736, d. May 23, 1739.
V. Elizabeth\ b. April 8, 1739.
In the New Haven records are to be found the following entries:
Feb. ^7, 17^4- Eleanor Dickerman and John Dickerman of New Haven, and
Nathaniel and Mary Sperry, his wife, late of New Haven, now of Cornwall in
Litchfield county. Conn., deed to John Mix three quarter parts of a certain piece
of land in New Haven.
On the same day. Nathaniel and Mary Sperry deed to John Dickerman one
quarter part of two pieces of land.
Dec. 4, ijbo. Elizabeth Dickerman deeds to John Mix one quarter part of a
certain piece of land in New Haven.
The law of those times gave to the eldest son a double share,
and to each of the other children a single share, of an estate, while
the widow had the use of a third of the property, during her life.
The property here referred to was evidently from the estate of
Abraham* Dickerman Third. The deed of Elizabeth Dickerman
was given soon after she reached the age of twenty-one, and shows
that she was unmarried at that time.